Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can I train my 10 month old cat to stop attacking my older c?

He likes to stalk the older cats or just jump up and bite them. The fighting can get pretty rough, all the cats are male and are neutered.

How can I train my 10 month old cat to stop attacking my older c?
they're just playing. the cats will figure it out sooner or later.
Reply:I agree with everyone else. I have two boy kitties, about 5 years apart. The younger cat not nearly the size of the older one, but that doesn't stop him from attacking. Imagine my horror when I saw my 15 pound maine coon cat and my 3 pound siamese kitten in a joint headlock! Its their form of bonding (as only boys do) and if you stay up late or come home early, you might just see the older cats turn the table! It's been about 13 years since these two have been at it, and they still fight 3-4 times a day...boys will be boys!
Reply:Well you can try spritzing him with a water bottle and saying firmly NO. Other than that, I'm afraid your older cats might have to teach the little punk a lesson so he learns his place. Honestly, he probably just wants to play rough with them and/or is testing his rank in the household.
Reply:You are just going to have to let them settle it themselves, which they will. However, if the younger cat is causing major problems and the older cats are getting injured seriously, you may need to find a new home for the youngin.

You can also try playing with the younger cat more to get some of his energy out. He might just be wanting to play a lot with the older cats and they aren't interested.


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