Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sociology major!! please help me answer as many questions as u can.... thanks!!!!?

As a “graduate” of Soci 201, you should have acquired the ability to interpret and analyse occurrences in your day-to-day life through a sociological perspective. For example, you might experience any of the following over the course of a day in Calgary. FIVE of these vignettes will be on the exam. For each, BRIEFLY (in a sentence or two) discuss what you consider the most relevant insight from Soci 201 would be concerning it. 2 marks each; 10 marks total.

1. You turn on the morning news and see an interview with an organizer talking about a planned protest march against Canada's military presence in Afghanistan.

2. You stop for a coffee on the way to school and the coffee is a blend of Mexican and Guatemalan beans.

3. You say “hi” to a friend on the C-Train and your friend doesn’t return your greeting. This makes you quite angry.

4. You grab a discarded copy of the Calgary Sun and the front-page headline says, “ CRIME OUT OF CONTROL!”

5. A person sitting next to you sees you reading a paper with a crime-related headline and says, "you know, when it comes to crime, society is really to blame."

6. You go to the health centre to see a doctor about getting a flu shot and your doctor is a woman.

7. Your doctor seems annoyed when you ask about the possible dangers of a flu shot.

8. Your sociology professor starts his lecture by mentioning something that he and his (male) spouse did over the weekend, and somebody behind you whispers, “okay, we know you’re gay already, stop shoving it in our faces.”

9. You take an elevator to your next class on the 5th floor of social sciences and the elevator gets stuck for 30 minutes, with ten people in it. Somebody takes charge and uses a cell phone to call for help; another person tries to calm down a sociology professor who is having a panic attack.

10. You make it to Mac Hall for lunch and see a friend wearing a business suit. He says, "I've decided to start dressing the part now since I plan on being an executive some day."

11. You mention how attractive you find a fellow student and your friend says, "forget it, those parents would NEVER allow somebody like you into the family!"

12. On the way home, you take a call on your cell phone and notice that you are the only person in your C-Train car speaking English.

Sociology major!! please help me answer as many questions as u can.... thanks!!!!?
I'm tempted to do it but I've got my own paper to do. Next time, probably.

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