Sunday, August 2, 2009

Will the red-state, blue-state divide in America lead to a second civil war?

Will the strategic and military odds favor western and southern states the next time around? Keep in mind that the Liberal Eastern Establishment, including all Ivy League institutions of higher learning (if you can call them that), has eschewed military service, and even thrown R.O.T.C. training classes off their campuses. Consider how many soldiers from Western and Southern states now make up our military forces.

Will the red-state, blue-state divide in America lead to a second civil war?
No, because there is no such thing as a red state or a blue state.

These labels are media-imposed propaganda devices used to induce groupthink and political correctness.

Every state has liberals and conservatives, communists, socialists, libertarians, greens, and Constitutionalists. This nation is not rigidly divided into red or blue. There are very few straight party-ticket voters out there, because most people aren't that stupid.

If you vote a straight party ticket, then you haven't been paying attention.

Also, dividing us into "North" and "South" is another overly simplistic generalization with little practical reasoning. The only major divide is between middle America and the coastal states. Even then, the contrast is noticeable only in the biggest, populous cities, like The People's Republic of New York, or the Bohemian colony of San Francisco (now a wholly owned subsidiary of North Mexico).

Other than those two extremes, most of the country still has sanity and acceptance of differing viewpoints.

Reply:After the 2006 elections, those states still left in the Bush red column, should break away form a new nation and call it Dumbphuckistan
Reply:the great divide seems to me to be primarily in DC, i dont know how my neighbor voted, but I do know no one I know is very pleased with the way things are right now. maybe we, the people need to tell the MORONS in DC (on both sides of the aisle) we are tired of their "civil war" over petty nonsense when there are real issues that affect EVERYONE in the US
Reply:Maybe. We do seem somewhat divided, don't we? Too bad the liberals don't get the fact that their incessant permissiveness breeds misconduct of all sorts and their kids grow up to be spoiled brats who want everything handed to them on a silver platter. Perhaps a verbal civil war would be in order. Nahh, they just need a good spanking.
Reply:No not war but i can predict a lot of political battles in the future. this country needs to get its head out of its *** and start thinking of all the sacrifices that were made. kick all the liberals out and we might have a decent country.
Reply:I hope so because all you stupid red states have been holding California back for to many years.Bring it on I can't wait to take out some stupid Texans,I've never been there but the nutless bastards I've worked with.I really hope it does happen,G.w.Bush is reason enough. I'm not exactly a liberal I'm just not a complete idiot.
Reply:no, American are too apolitical, most don't even care enought to vote

and i hope its ASAP

we need to get rid of the rotton eggs on both sides.

and i shall invest in a lot of body bags.
Reply:yeah...and don't forget how our country is divided over a lot of other issues....same sex marriage is a big one
Reply:as much as it angers me to see a dummicrat I am not to the point I want to kill them tomorrow is another day.but I would fight them if they continue to try to undermine this great nation
Reply:I a agree (mostly) with askthepizzaguy...with some reservations, most of the "blue" areas are urban, while many of the "red" areas are rural or suburban...if you look at the voting recods by county of the last national general election you will see this trend. Even in NY, Mass and CA the heavily urban areas voted Democratic, while the less urban areas went Republican. These labels were coined, in my opinion by the media to simplify things for the mass of Americans.

I firmly believe that we should adopt a similar system as Australia where you are fined for not voting...but then we should move poling days to Sunday as that day is the least "worked" day of most of America...that'll never happen, but I think it would be a good idea.

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