Friday, July 31, 2009

Potty training delimma?

My daughter has potty trained fine. At first, she was having accidents while playing which was very understandable. Now I know for a fact that she is completely potty trained. We have taken her out of the house with panties and she has done great. Lately however she is back tracking. We keep pull ups on hand for the night time. Lately when we tell her to get her panties on she will say "No. Me want diaper" When this is said if I make her do the panties anyway she'll wet her pants. When she is in this mood, if she has a diaper on, she'll come out and changer her own diaper after one pee. Pull ups are way more expensive and I can't have her going though them after one pee through the day, just b/c she doesn't want to use the potty. I don't mind accidents, she is a little girl and I can understand it, but this "I just don't feel like it" stuff is driving me insane! Is there another child out there that has done that? If so, how did you encourage them to use the potty everytime?

Potty training delimma?
My first two children went throught that. I made them run around the house naked if they did not do right in their panties or underwear. They hated not having anything on, so they got their act together real quick. can help you with this and more
Reply:Sometimes you have to use the bribe thing, it works every time, but maybe there is something going on that you don't know about. Or maybe someone told her that there's a potty monster!!!! like on look who's talking!!! good luck.
Reply:My daughter is three and has been fully potty trained for a year. She has also decided on occasion that she would rather wear the pull up. I have also noticed that she puts diapers on all her dolls which could explain why she wants to go back to wearing a diaper. She also sees me changing a little boy that I babysit, he just turned 2 and maybe feels that if he doesn't use the potty why should I. I have made a play potty for her dolls and she has had less days of wanting to wear the pull ups. It's worth a try.
Reply:It may be time to take away the pull ups. Get good bed protectors!

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