Friday, July 31, 2009

Potty training a potty trained dog?????

Ok for over a year now. My Pomeranian has been potty trained. The trick is we have a doggy door. That is what she was trained on. Well, we are moving this weekend. The new house does not have the doggy door and we are leasing so we can not install one.

Any suggestions on how to train her not to potty in the house.


There have been times that we closed the doggy door b/c we bathed her and didnt want her going out. She used it in the house.

Potty training a potty trained dog?????
Kudos for recognizing that just because she's potty trained now, she may not be when she gets to your new home. It should always be assumed that you will need to retrain a dog when you move it to a new home.

So, here's my standard potty training advise:

First off, confine him when you can't supervise. I can't stress enough the importance of this. For potty training, use a crate that is only big enough for her/him to comfortably stand, lie, and turn around in. He should not be able to potty in one end and lie down in the other. Make sure he's not confined for too long -- generally the age in months plus one hours (so 5 hours for a 4 month old pup).

Every time you take him out of his crate take him outside. He should be on a leash. You should go through the same door every time. Take him to where you want him to potty and start repeating his potty command until he finishes. Then treat him and let him play or go for a walk.

Put food and water on a schedule. Give 20 minutes to eat and then pick food up until next scheduled meal. Give water every hour (or when he's obviously thirsty.) By scheduling meals and water, you are able to predict when he will need to relieve himself. Put him on leash and take him out.

Watch for behaviors that tell you he needs to go out: circling, squatting, sniffing,crouching, ....

I have clients who tell me their puppies won't go while they are outside, only to come inside and make a mess on the floor! If you find this to be a problem, give him a reasonable amount of time outside and if he doesn't go confine him for 15 minutes when you come back inside. At the end of that time, take him back out. Repeat this process until he goes. By doing this, you are teaching him that he will earn his freedom by pottying where it's appropriate.

Lastly, basic obedience training really can help. It clarifies leadership for your dog (and sometimes for the owners as well :) )
Reply:Get pottie blankets/pads @ walmart/china mart, and put them by the door. We reward r dogs everytime they go out, and come back in,(they r fat now)! good luck
Reply:Hang a bell from the back door and teach her to hit the bells when she needs to go out.
Reply:If you have a sliding glass door, you can buy an insert that fits into the track and acts as part of the sliding glass door but it has a doggy door at the bottom. You can get them at petsmart and they aren't too expensive...
Reply:if she's trained to go outside, just pick the door she's going to go out and take her there on a regular basis for the first few weeks. if you catch her going inside tell her no and take her outside immediatly. you are at first going to have to go outside with her and make sure she's going potty and then praise her for it. she will eventually get the point she needs to go to that door to be let out. also keeping her on a regular schedule will help you know better when she needs to go potty.
Reply:Wow, she isn't potty trained at all then. You need to start as tho she was a puppy, crate train her, and teach her to tell you when she needs to go outside.

orchid cactus

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