Thursday, July 30, 2009

Potty Training??

I have an idea or 2, but I would love some input from you guys. So if any of you have some GREAT ideas on the best way to potty train a lil boy.. I will be forever grateful. C-YA

Potty Training??
this what we did and we did 4 boys this way.

at age 2 and a half, we introduced pull ups to them, but they still did their you know what in them, it was just to get used to them.

at age 2 and 9 months we got a potty, and showed them how it worked, and we got them to come to us and tell us every time they needed to go, then we would take them to the potty.

at aged 2 and 11 months we told them when they need to go, just go to the potty and not tell us

at aged 3 for their bday they got their first pair of big boy underwear and we replaced the pull ups with them

at ged 3 and a half we got rid of the potty and got them useing the big boy toilet.

and thats how we did it, the thing about potty trainning is its not a race, and i dont personaly see why parents rush it, this way worked for us and we didnt have a single accident
Reply:I am a toddler room teacher at a daycare and i potty train many a kids. The most important thing to remember is YOU ONLY POTTY TRAIN WHEN THEY ARE READY. When they start asking to go and actually go, or they poop in their pants and they come tell you because they don't want to sit in it, then you're ready. My advice, don't waste money on pull-ups..go straight to underwear.Offer potty prizes as in candy..etc. Sure they might have a few accidents but they DO NOT like that feeling..and at nap or bedtime put on a diaper just for the few first times. Be consisent for about 1week and you will have you a pottier!!
Reply:In our preschool, we habe a potty chart. Give a sticker everytime the child goes potty. Also, make going to the potty a big deal. Throw a "party" everytime your child goes to the bathroom. If the child has an accident, do not punish the child, Make sure that the child is ready for training. If they tell youthat they went in their diaper. Some children can be ready as young as 1 1/2 or younger.
Reply:I have alwayt heard the cherrio's method is the best. pu t them in potty and little boy aims.......high ho hit the cherrio

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