Saturday, May 22, 2010

Runescape can get difficult after a while. What should I do?

First of all, don't tell me wow is so much better. I'll get ticked off really bad.

Now, I need to kill time in FREE WORLD until I can become a MEMBER again.

I have 3 options:

a) get tons of money

b) train my stats for members quests in the future

c) train my combat

d) goof off in mini games with my free friends

Here's my stats too:


combat- 71 in free world, but 72 in member (idk why)

quest points-114 total-924

attack-56 strength-61 defense-53 ranged-32 prayer-44 magic-39 runecraft-32 hitpoints-57 thieving-31 crafting-44 hunter-31 mining-52 smithing-44 fishing-66 cooking-57 firemaking-49 woodcutting-50

I didn't feel like putting the stats below 30

Runescape can get difficult after a while. What should I do?
In harder quests on members you will need to raise your mage and raise your range levels.You could also cut alot of wood and gather feathers so you can make arrow shafts for expierence in fletching.But yes you need to raise mage which will raise your runecrafting if you make your own runes.And Range will need to be raised.I would try to raise your defense also to at least 60 so you can wear a type of dragon armor.Your prayer looks good I have 44 prayer and done Legends easily at a low level.Other then Range,Mage and Defense I would just raise skills like Woodcutting so you can cut yews and well whatever else ya wish to raise.

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