Saturday, May 22, 2010

TRAINING BUNNIES?????!!!i!!!!!!!?

I have 2 bunnies. they live in a hutch. When they "go to the bathroom" somtimes it falls through the tiny holes at the bottom(they have chicken wire on the bottom of thier cage.I know some people say that the c-wire hurts there feet but i always put hay on it so it won't hurt) Most of the time the poop gets stuck and makes a mess in there cage. I clean thier cage out 1-2 times a day to help this. I am asking is there a way i can make them go to the bathroom in one spot so they don't have to walk over poop? Thank you!

I love my bunnies so much! They are almost 8 years old.

* any cool tricks i can teach them to do that are not that hard for them? ***radom***!!

TRAINING BUNNIES?????!!!i!!!!!!!?
Rabbits are territorial animals and will generally go to the toilet in 1 or 2 particular places. You can use this as a basis of litter training. By putting a litter tray where you know they go you can start to train them to use them. You can then slowly move these to a corner and the rabbits should *hopefully* continue to use them. This is more effective in younger rabbits though so at 8yrs old you may struggle a little.

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